Gaspard Bucher
write more functional tests (with ajax)
was created by Gaspard Bucher
Wednesday Sep 03
ticket -
Comments: captcha, easier discussionswas created by Gaspard Bucher 03:05 PM ticket -
time_zone from connection not UTCwas created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket -
Stuck in loop after fresh installwas created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket - short_cut id not resolving the same was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket
- show contact (image summary = name, i... was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket
- Avoid recursion. was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket
Use icon in 'img_tag'was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket -
Replacing line breaks with BR should ...was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket -
search is cached (but shouldn't)was created by Gaspard Bucher 03:04 PM ticket