#188 ✓resolved
Gaspard Bucher

[url] pseudo attribute is wrong

Reported by Gaspard Bucher | September 3rd, 2008 @ 03:20 PM | in public beta

Originally posted on Trac by gaspard Original Trac Ticket


it show example.org:8007 !

Trac Attachments

Trac Comments

2008-05-13 13:35:46 changed by gaspard

(In [948]) Fixed bug in [url]. Closes #188(0.1)

hours set to 0.1.

status changed from new to closed.

resolution set to fixed.

totalhours changed from 0.0 to 0.1.

(In [948]) Fixed bug in [url]. Closes #188(0.1)

hours set to 0.1.

status changed from new to closed.

resolution set to fixed.

totalhours changed from 0.0 to 0.1.

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Anyone knows how to use formatting here ?

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