zena: 1.0
First stable release. It should (by order of priority):
- run on the latest rails 2.x
- install as a gem
- use RubyLess & new QueryBuilder
Gaspard Bucher's assigned tickets
95 tickets open
- #38 Cleanup and monitoring tools enhancement major zena new
- #279 crash on node deletion defect planned new
- #2 [SECURITY] use taint/untaint before execution of custom sql security zena open
- #10 Time to live defined in templates. enhancement minor zena new
- #35 It should be possible to use query parameters in zafu enhancement major zafu open
- #11 png resizing is not working defect zena new
- #12 Replace link_to_remote by button_to_remote enhancement minor zena new
- #13 img_tag should use the virtual classe's icon minor zena new
- #15 Rake mksite should cleanup if it fails. major zena new
- #17 Flash messages not working defect zena open
- #18 Error messages not showing. enhancement zena new
- #20 xhtml compliance major task zena open
- #22 popup 'drive' should show vertical scroll bar defect zena new
- #27 Future publish_from will never show due to cache. defect zena new
- #28 Fix diff view. beta defect zena open
- #29 Destroy needs testing. minor zena open
- #30 [CLEANUP] Remove all .utc (now using ENV['TZ']) minor zena new
- #40 simple task management enhancement major zena open
- #41 dynamic attributes finder not implemented for content tables major zena new
- #46 cache not working in Safari browser when logged in need_testing zena open
- #48 Lines starting with a space should be rendered as space-preserve enhancement minor zazen new
- #60 complete logout when using http_auth defect zena new
- #62 kpath not working on custom ksel defect zena new
- #64 it should be possible to view a node at a certain version major zena new
- #70 bad attributes should be ignored when creating a node defect need_testing zena new
- #71 migrate link tests into relation_test major task zena open
- #77 can we do better to cache dynamic pages ? minor task zena new
- #94 Avoid recursion. major zena new
- #95 show contact (image summary = name, image = icon) enhancement minor zena new
- #96 short_cut id not resolving the same defect zena new
- #100 write more functional tests (with ajax) easy task zena new
- #106 cache finders created by 'build_finder_for' for reuse enhancement minor zafu new
- #108 update to rails edge enhancement minor zena new
- #122 problem with site name (in index window) minor zena new
- #124 optimize javascript usage by creating functions enhancement major zena new
- #133 caches should use caches_groups join table enhancement major zena new
- #165 enable cache for simple configurations enhancement minor zena new
- #173 destroy should work if the node only contains documents major zena new
- #174 replace EXT_TO_TYPE by plugin enhancement major zena new
- #176 use css to render xhtml enhancement major zena new
- #180 activate trac notification major task zena new
- #181 add crop/resize option in image editor enhancement major zena new
- #186 Update page to show version status on "save". enhancement major zena new
- #189 Create methods from 'method_missing' enhancement major zena new
- #206 dyn_keys for base classes enhancement minor zena new
- #207 Find problem (title contains word) enhancement major zena new
- #212 conditional pseudo_sql enhancement zafu new
- #216 special rights on relation enhancement rights zena new
- #217 group by day, month, year easy zafu new
- #219 use xsendfile to send document content easy speed new
- #220 use visitor to cache nodes easy speed new
- #81 discussions inside/outside enhancement zena open
- #225 better compatibility with IE defect up zena new
- #230 automatic registration community enhancement rights zena new
- #231 email notifications email enhancement zena new
- #232 use highslide for gallery/popup enhancement gallery js new
- #233 translate 'age' params easy enhancement new
- #234 tagged in search enhancement up zena new
- #235 use cache money for speed enhancement speed new
- #236 alert if cannot delete defect easy up new
- #237 zazen parser should implement :host option easy enhancement zazen new
- #238 make sure cache is used for domains with trailing dot apache easy new
- #241 [if] should support attr='name' argument enhancement zafu new
- #242 main table argument for custom queries enhancement querybuilder new
- #244 remove a site from database enhancement new
- #245 Add support for PostgreSQL enhancement up open
- #246 filtering by relation does not support 'OR' defect zafu new
- #253 [swap] should uses 'values' as synonyme for 'states' easy enhancement new
- #255 support dates in links enhancement needs_testing zafu zena new
- #256 strange bug related to auto-publish defect major zena new
- #257 should delete partials on template update defect minor zena new
- #258 multiple class support easy enhancement needs_testing zafu new
- #259 cannot run integration tests alongside unit tests in "rake zena:test" defect new
- #260 double publication in english ! defect easy zena new
- #261 bad filename+extension parsing defect easy minor new
- #263 Secure not working properly in multilingual sites defect major new
- #266 redit time should start on version creation date defect easy new
- #271 should use POST instead of GET for live preview easy new
- #272 cannot upload dmg ! defect planned urgent open
- #273 upload progress enhancement easy enhancement new
- #274 parsed assets in templates should mark cache defect easy up open
- #276 cannot login if root page is not public defect planned urgent new
- #277 popup gallery bug defect easy new
- #281 lib file cleanup defect planned urgent new
- #284 ordering by 'l_id' without a relation should show a message defect new
- #289 should either work with any class name or show error messages defect up new
- #291 server cache not working for images defect easy new
- #293 native classes in vclass list enhancement new
- #294 name and title not set when entering contact name / first_name defect easy urgent new
- #295 scaffolding for forms and views enhancement zafu new
- #298 xml API sends token on each request security new
- #301 live demo enhancement hosting open
- #299 nginx/passenger/ruby 1.9 support enhancement nginx ruby19 open
- #302 write test for file change with redit needs_testing new
- #303 fix memory growth elance open
Closed Tickets
✔ #211
pagination in pseudo_sqlenhancement zafu zena ✓resolved -
✔ #5
Visitor's lang should belong in participationminor zena ✓resolved -
✔ #9
Translation strings in a skinenhancement major zena ✓resolved -
✔ #21
Unobtrusive javascriptmajor task zena ✓resolved -
✔ #24
Live edit stops working if we edit a document.minor zena ✓resolved -
✔ #43
Add functions for scoping date queries in pseudo sqlenhancement minor zafu ✓resolved -
✔ #53
Changing version lang in edit window should change session langzena ✓resolved -
✔ #44
Parameters in pseudo sql queryenhancement minor zafu ✓resolved -
✔ #45
There is a mess between where clauses and conditions in build_find/relationsminor zena ✓resolved -
✔ #47
Lines starting with a space should be rendered as space-preserveminor zazen ✓resolved -
✔ #82
add select_id to input tagenhancement major zafu ✓resolved -
✔ #63
Cannot delete user.major wontfix zena ✓resolved -
✔ #79
If a template output format is 'pdf' use LateX or XSL-FO to generate dynamic PDF.enhancement major zena ✓resolved -
✔ #109
on skin name change: update all tempate_contentsdefect zena ✓resolved -
✔ #80
Try to move all test tables into the HEAP.invalid major task zena ✓resolved -
✔ #116
implement join in zafu pseudo sqlenhancement major zafu ✓resolved -
✔ #86
zafu ajax should send errors backmajor zafu ✓resolved -
✔ #87
parser @pass should not be shared with parentmajor zena ✓resolved -
✔ #128
rename image assets in css ?enhancement major zena ✓resolved -
✔ #103
auto_publish and redit_time settingenhancement major zena ✓resolved
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Anyone knows how to use formatting here ?
Git repository: http://github.com/zena
Official website: http://zenadmin.org